Importance of Cycling Exercise For Whole Body Fitness [10 Proven Facts]

Explore the myriad importance of cycling exercise for whole body fitness. From physical well-being, strength, mental health and modern lifestyle.

Cycling exercise is an enjoyable activity that provides you with a bundle of health benefits. You can use cycling as a mode of transportation, exercise, and sports.

In this blog post, we have covered many aspects of cycling and pointed out many reasons to consider the importance of cycling exercise for your whole body fitness.

Unfortunately, as you can imagine in your daily life, priorities and ways of living have changed. It is hard to find a bicycle on the road or in the street.

Cycling Exercise, Important of Cycling Exercise For Whole Body Fitness

Continue reading this amazing information to get an idea about the importance of mountain biking as well as cycling exercise in your life.

Importance of Cycling Exercise and Its Benefits

1. Cycling May Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Cycling exercise has many different benefits for your whole body. If you adopt cycling as an activity, then it may improve your heart health.
Cycling exercise also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also lowers the blood pressure level over time. Cycling is an amazing exercise that continuously engages your heart, vessels, and lungs. Consequently, you gain more heart fitness, muscle fitness, strength, and flexibility.

Studies have shown that "Cycling exercise is one of the physical activities that could helps improve cardiovascular function, and cycling is an aerobic process that causes the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to exercise. Cycling is categorized as a cardio workout because it will optimize the productivity of the heart, lungs, and blood circulation system" {See Reference (1) & (2)}.

2. Cycling Exercise is one of the Best Weight Management Tool

Cycling Exericse For Weight Management

Cycling is a full-body workout. Regular cycling needs a lot of energy, and you burn a lot of calories. As a result, you lose weight or maintain a healthy body image.

Similarly, when you ride your bike, it builds your muscles, which can increase your body's metabolism and make it easier to burn fat. Similar studies regarding importance of cycling exercise and its effects on body weight have been conducted. One is referred to below for ready reference: -

Cycling more than 1.5 h/week was associated in men and women with lower weight (−4.3 and −1.4 kg, respectively), waist circumference (−4.4 and −2.1 cm, respectively), and percent body fat (−2.5 and −1.9 % respectively) (all p < 0.001) {See Reference (3)}.

The above-quoted reference provides an overview of how cycling exercise is useful for weight management in men and women.

3. Cycling Exercise Helps in Muscle Strength and Toning

When you start cycling, your leg muscles work hard, so they become very strong over time. Similarly, cycling exercise also engages other body muscles, such as the core, back, and arm muscles, helping to tone these areas as well.

Research studies have shown that regular cycling can increase muscle mass and improve overall muscle function. For example, a study published in the National Library of Medicine found that participants who cycled regularly saw significant improvements in their leg strength and muscle tone. {See Reference (4)}.

Muscle volumes before and after the 12 weeks of cycling exercise training are (10 upper leg muscles) and (7 lower leg muscles). Cycle training induced increases (p ≤ 0.05) in volume of the vastii (+7%) and sartorius (+6%) muscles, while there was a trend for an increase in the biceps femoris short head (+5%, p = 0.1). There was also a trend for a decrease in volume of the biceps femoris long head (−5%, p = 0.09) and adductor longus (−6%, p = 0.1). The other 5 muscles of the upper leg did not change (p > 0.05) muscle volume pre‐ to post‐training. The 7 muscles of the lower leg did not change (−2 to −3%, p > 0.05) muscle volume pre‐ to post‐training. {See Reference (5)}

It is important to note that the effects of cycling exercise on men and women may differ slightly. However, it has been found that cycling has a greater impact on women's bodies than men. Concurrent studies in this regard are in progress.

4. Cycling Improves Joint Health

Cycling activity, indoor or outdoors,  is a low-impact exercise. It does not put too much stress on your joints. So when you start pedaling, your joints move in a smooth manner, which helps to lubricate and make them flexible.

Similarly, cycling improves and strengthens the muscles around the joints. Such as your thighs and calves muscles.

Research suggests that regular cycling exercise can reduce the risk of joint stiffness and pain.

“The continuous motion that’s part of cycling is very helpful for arthritic joints,” says Joseph Garry, MD, former medical director of the Sports Medicine Clinic at the University of Minnesota. “The more the joint moves through its full range of motion, the more synovial fluid is produced. This lubricates the joint so you move more easily the rest of the day.” {See Reference (6)}

5. Cycling Improves Posture and Core Strength

Cycling exercise requires a balanced and steady body. Which helps your spine stay straight, which is beneficial for your posture. Similarly, when you pedal, your core muscles, such as your abs and lower back, are engaged to keep you stable on the bike.

Over time, this position factor strengthens your core muscles, making them stronger. So as a result of regular cycling, you get better posture and core strength.

6. Cycling exercise prevents bone loss and improves bones strength and density.

Cycling exercise is one of the best ways to prevent bone loss and improve bone strength and density. When you start cycling, the gravitational force works on your bones, which stimulates them to become stronger.

Moreover, cycling exercise is weight-bearing, which puts stress on your bones to prompt them to adapt and become denser with the passage of time.

A study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Volume-30, Number-10 in October, 2015 regarding importance of cycling exercise, describes that regular cycling can help prevent bone loss and even increase bone density, particularly in the spine and hips. Furthermore, cycling also enhances muscle strength, which indirectly supports bone health by reducing the risk of falls and fractures. {See Reference (7)}

7. Cycling May Reduce Stress

Cycling exercise is very important in terms of reducing stress. It works in the following ways:

  • When you start cycling, your body releases chemicals called endorphins, which are natural mood lifters that can make you feel happier and more relaxed.
  • Being outdoors and surrounded by nature while cycling can have a calming effect on your mind, reducing feelings of anxiety and stress.
  • The rhythmic motion of pedaling can be meditative, helping to clear your mind and focus on the present moment.

Studies, such as research published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, have shown that spending time in green spaces like parks or forests can lower cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress. Therefore, by combining exercise with nature, cycling becomes a powerful way to combat stress and improve overall well-being.

Additionaly Research published on BMJ Journals shows that those who regularly cycle have a significantly lower risk of feeling stressed. {See Reference (8)}

8. Improves Mood

If you are feeling bored and want to join an activity to get your mood fresh, then cycling exercise may become your No. 1 choice.

As far as cycling for improving mood is concerned, cycling works better in the following ways:

  • When you start cycling, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals play a vital role in lifting your mood and making you feel good.
  • Secondly, outdoor cycling provides you with fresh natural scenes, which can help you reduce stress and become more relaxed.

Studies have shown that regular cycling exercise may also help decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, making you feel happier overall. So, when you hop on your bike and pedal away, you're not just getting exercise; you're also boosting your mood and well-being.

9. Better Sleep

Yes, everyone loves to sleep at night. Cycling activity is very helpful in this lovely choice because,  when you start cycling, your whole body muscles participate and tire out, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep the whole  night.

Moreover, outdoor cycling exposes you to natural light, and natural light is one of the best methods to regulate your body's internal clock. Which makes you more alert during the day and sleepy at night.

Research published in the journal Sleep Medicine Volume 51, May–June 2023, suggests that regular aerobic exercise, like cycling, can improve sleep quality and duration, as well as reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. So, hopping on your bike for a ride can not only be good for your physical health but also your sleep! {See Reference (8)}

10. Cycling Boosts Brain Function

The brain is a dominant part of the body. We all want to boost our memory and brain function. Cycling exercise has a great impact in this regard. To see how cycling may improve your brain function, see the following ways:

  • While cycling, your heart pumps more blood to your brain, which delivers oxygen and nutrients that help it work better.
  • Regular cycling improves the interconnections of brain cells, which enhances your memory, learning, and cognitive function.
  • Cycling increases the size of your hippocampus, which is a part of the brain important for memory and learning purposes.

So, if you want to boost your brain, start cycling right now because it is a great brain workout too!

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👀 Conclusion:-

This was all about the importance of cycling exercise for your health. In light of the aforesaid research, cycling exercise has a great impact on our bodies, and it is clear that the importance of cycling exercise cannot be neglected. Hence, to get into cycling, you need a comprehensive bike buying guide, because having an awesome bike at home is necessary to be fit and healthy. One bike is almost sufficient for the whole family. You may check out the best-selling and highest-quality bikes for you. Happy Cycling!

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About the Author

Spreading the love of cycling around the world! 15 years of experience, ready to help you reach your goals. Writing is my passion and I'm always looking for new stories and information to tell. #cyclingequipments

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